Friday, December 4, 2009

Why oh Why?

This is a fun little thing I like to do when bizarre things cross my path all in one day.

Why oh Why... do I have to run into an old boss at Chapters?
Why oh Why... did he have to leave the company on less then stellar terms?
Why oh Why...does he find it necessary to actually talk to me?
Why oh Why... is the last piece of "news" I heard about him bad and so I have nothing good to say?
Why oh Why... is this 10 minute conversation so brutal
Why oh Why... am I wearing a sweater and a long winter coat?
Why oh I have to SWEAT so much!
Why oh Why... is my deodorant not working?
Why oh Why... can't I find the book I want?
Why oh Why... is the "PRECIOUS" line soooooooo long and slooooow
Why oh Why... do I not have magical powers?
Thank you Jesus...The sound track for GLEE is on sale at the checkout IMPULSE BUY!

Why oh Why... does the chick at the drive-thru sound like she is on crystal meth?
Why oh Why...does Wendy's drive thru think I can drink my Coke without a straw?
Why oh Why...does Wendy's drive thru think I want my salad upside down and spilt open in the bag?
Why oh Why...does Wendy's drive thru think I can eat my salad without croutons?

Thank you Jesus...Sound track from GLEE is most awesome highlight of my day playing in my car!

Why oh Why...does my wonderful husband call me to tell me he feels like crap and does not want to go to my company Christmas party?

Thank you Jesus...he suggests movie rental and popcorn for me and neo citran for him. I think that makes up for my day don't you?

It was the worst of times and the best of times.

Just the downs and ups of my day! What were the downs and ups of your day?


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